Suggestion box: source code to add/KDE

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KDE is an international free software community producing FOSS software like Plasma Desktop, KDE Frameworks and many cross-platform applications.

Its source code started on CVS, then moved to SVN, and more recently migrated to Git. But the migrations weren't entirely lossless, so there may be interest in archiving the legacy repositories directly as well.


  • KDE Sysadmin Team on <sysadmin at>
  • nicolas17 is a member of KDE Sysadmin and is often on #swh-devel.


While the CVS repository was migrated to SVN, it's possible not all of it was migrated, for example old apps that were already deleted (but still present in history) by the time the migration was done.

The CVS repository is long gone and not publicly accessible. However, there exists a backup copy of it (2.8GB .tar.xz, 18GB if uncompressed). Contact KDE Sysadmin to get it.


The SVN repository is still publicly accessible, even though most of the actual code has been migrated to Git. It's still in active use for translations and website code, but it also has code for applications that weren't migrated to Git because development is inactive (nowadays if someone wants to resurrect an app, the first step would be to convert the history to Git).

The repository is 90GB and contains almost 1.5 million SVN revisions.

It's accessible at svn://, but it would be inefficient and cause a lot of server load to download the million commits. Use rsync:// instead. You may also contact the KDE Sysadmin Team to get a compressed tarball or something for the initial copy, and then use rsync to keep it updated.


All current KDE development is being done in Git.

The repositories are available at git://<repo>. They add up to 34GB (but there may be badly-packed repos in there). The list of all KDE Git repositories can be retrieved from (it's generated automatically so it should remain up-to-date when new repos are created in the future).

Note that the Git repositories are also mirrored into, so SWH may already have all of them through the GitHub import.