Sphinx gotchas

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Here is a list of common gotchas when formatting Python docstrings for Sphinx and the Napoleon style.



All sorts of lists require an empty line before the first bullet and after the last one, to be properly interpreted as list. No indentation is required for list elements w.r.t. surrounding text, and line continuations should be indented like the first character after the bullet


this is some text preceding the list

- foo
- bar
- baz
- this is a rather long-ish paragraph inserted in the list
  with line continuation
- qux

this is some text following the list


this is a bad example that will not be interpreted as a list
preceding text
- foo
- bar
- baz
following text


surrounding text

- foo
- nested lists also requires empty lines

  - inner list 1
  - inner list 2

- outer list continues here

surrounding text


- foo
- nested lists also requires empty lines
  - inner list 1
  - inner list 2
- outer list continues here

Verbatim source code

Verbatim code blocks, e.g., for code examples, requires double colon at the end of a line, then an empty line, and then the code block itself, indented:

a nice example of python code follows::

    def foo(bar, baz):
        qux = bar + baz

        return qux

here we can restart text flow

Inline code samples use double backquotes, and not single ones.


you have to instantiate the method ``def foo(bar): pass`` in order to use this abstract class


you have to instantiate the method `def foo(bar): pass` in order to use this abstract class
