Repository snapshot objects

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WARNING: work in progress blueprint


A repository snapshot object, or simply snapshot object, is a Merkle DAG node used to capture the current state of a VCS repository.

Conceptually, a snapshot object is a complete map from repository entry points ("branches" in Software Heritage terminology, "refs" in Git) to other objects in the repository, including other snapshot objects if repository entry points point to them.
Practically, the map is serialized into a manifest consisting of a list of triples <object type, object ID, branch name>.

Entries in snapshots can point to the following object kinds:

  • contents (Git terminology: blobs)
  • directories (tree)
  • releases (annotated tags)
  • revisions (commits)
  • snapshots

The object ID of a repository object is the cryptographic hash of its manifest, computed in the usual way for the Merkle DAG.


The manifest of a repository object is a canonical representation of it as a sequence of bytes.
Two alternative serialization formats for such manifests are proposed below:

  • a-la Software Heritage: how we would implement on our own, not taking into account compatibility with/stylistic choices of other VCSs
  • a-la Git: manifest implementation similar to how Git implements manifests for other DAG objects

No matter the implementation of the manifest itself, its object ID is obtained as follows:

  • take the string obtained by concatenating:
    • the header string "snapshot " (without quotes)
    • the length of the manifest serialized as a decimal integer in ASCII (e.g., "42")
    • the NULL byte "\0"
    • the manifest itself
  • compute the SHA1 checksum of the obtained string

This is equivalent to the current implementation of git-hash-object(1) with object type set to "snapshot" (note that to use it you will need to pass --literally, as "snapshot" is currently not a supported Git object type).

a-la Software Heritage

A repository object manifest is a list of lines, sorted by branch (or ref) name, where each line is as follows:

  • object kind (one of: "content", "directory", "release", "revision", "snapshot")
  • space
  • SHA1 of the target object serialized as a string of ASCII, lowercase hex digits (e.g., "585f6e27f540012af621a18d0155aae2a8ec0276")
  • space
  • name of the branch (ref) as a sequence of bytes (e.g., "refs/heads/master")
  • the NULL byte "\0"

Note: branch/ref names might contain arbitrary characters except the NULL byte itself.

a-la Git


In the spirit of other Git objects, snapshot objects for Git repositories can be implemented as follows.

# create repo with some commits, branches, and tags
$ git init test
$ cd test/
$ echo foo > foo.txt
$ git add foo.txt 
$ git commit -m 'checkin foo'
$ git branch foo
$ echo bar >> foo.txt 
$ git commit -a -m 'add bar'
$ git tag bar
$ echo baz >> foo.txt 
$ git commit -a -m 'add baz'

# ASSUMPTION: the output of git show-ref is sorted by ref name using
# the usual Git sort algorithm for textual object manifests. This is
# currently the case as of Git 2.8.1, but it is not documented
# behavior in git-show-ref(1).

# repository object in full (the manifest)
$ git show-ref | \
  while read id ref ; do
    type=$(git cat-file -t $id)
    echo $type $id $ref
  done \
  > /tmp/snapshot-object.txt
$ cat /tmp/snapshot-object.txt
commit 585f6e27f540012af621a18d0155aae2a8ec0276 refs/heads/foo
commit 6d976a397fe0b28a5bc59540e64f7f36a861af68 refs/heads/master
commit 521cb6d728f9fa3d6c4d73ddd309c0796ddf6995 refs/tags/bar

# repository object ID, as a Git SHA1
$ git hash-object -w --stdin --literally -t snapshot < /tmp/snapshot-object.txt

# raw content of the repository object, including Git header
$ zlib-flate -uncompress < .git/objects/47/0d2daa27715987685708b816bf2b52ba5a47c8
snapshot 191commit 585f6e27f540012af621a18d0155aae2a8ec0276 refs/heads/foo
commit 6d976a397fe0b28a5bc59540e64f7f36a861af68 refs/heads/master
commit 521cb6d728f9fa3d6c4d73ddd309c0796ddf6995 refs/tags/bar

# i.e., a 191-byte long object of type "snapshot"
# (note that a "\0" before the first "commit" string has been stripped)