Google Summer of Code 2019

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General information

This page is the central point of information for Software Heritage participation into the Google Summer of Code program.

Google Summer of Code is a program where Google pays students stipends to work over the (northern hemisphere) summer on free software projects such as Software Heritage. Each student works with mentors from the community to complete a software project.

I want to participate as a student

Great!, we are very glad for your interest in contributing to Software Heritage and we are looking forward to work with you.


The following prerequisites apply to Software Heritage GSoC projects:

  • Python 3 is our language of choice, you should be fluent with that language to apply
  • Git is our version control system of choice, you should be familiar with it to apply
  • additional prerequisites depend on the project you will work on; check project descriptions for details

Before you apply

Here are the steps you should follow before applying, to make sure you have a good grasp of what we are doing at Software Heritage and how we do it:

  1. Follow our getting started guide: it will make sure you can locally run a (small) copy of the archive and ingest source code into it
  2. Create an account our development forge
  3. Familiarize yourself with our code review workflow
  4. Make a simple change to any one of our software components and submit it as a diff for code review, following the above workflow. Easy hacks and Web UI issues are good options for what to fix, but feel free to submit any patch you think it might be useful.

What to include in your application

Make sure that your application includes the following information:

  • which specific project do you want to work on? It might be one of the project ideas that we have prepared… or something else you want to contribute to Software Heritage: your source code archival pet peeve, surprise us!
  • your work plan: a brief description of how you plan to go about your project, including a list of deliverables and a timeline of when do you expect them to be available
  • a reference to the diff you submitted before applying (see the "Before you apply" section above)

Ideas list

Below you can find a list of project ideas that are good options for a reasonably sized GSoC project. They are just suggestion though, don't feel obliged to pick one of them if there is nothing that fits your taste and abilities. Feel free to propose something else that you are excited about and that contributes to improve the Software Heritage archive: we will be happy to consider it!

Increase archive coverage


Mine information from archived content


Improve and extend the archive Web UI



GSoC students are encouraged to get in touch with the Software Heritage community using the standard development communication channels, i.e.:

See our development information page for more details.


See the official Google Summer of Code timeline.