Expand archive coverage to Debian-based distros (internship): Difference between revisions

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(complete english translation)
Line 46: Line 46:
* familiarity with [https://www.debian.org/ Debian] or other Debian-based distributions
* familiarity with [https://www.debian.org/ Debian] or other Debian-based distributions
* GNU/Linux environment
* GNU/Linux environment
* Python development
* Python
* working knowledge of PostgreSQL would be a plus
* working knowledge of PostgreSQL would be a plus

Revision as of 15:45, 30 November 2016

Sauvegarder (toutes) les distros basées sur Debian dans Software Heritage

Contexte: Software Heritage, projet de recherche de grande envergure ayant comme but la récupération, l'archivage à très long terme, et le partage de la totalité du Logiciel Libre publiquement accessible en format code source.

Description: L'archive logiciel de Software Heritage contient actuellement une copie complète et à jour de GitHub, mais seulement une selection ad hoc (même si assez large) des paquets logiciels de la distribution Debian. Le but de ce stage est de automatiser le processus de recuperation et d'injection des paquets Debian en format source (.dsc) dans l'archive de Software Heritage. L'objectif est de rendre trivial l'ajout de n'importe quelle distribution de Logiciel Libre basée sur Debian.

Connaissances souhaitées pour accéder au stage:

  • connaissance de Debian ou d'une distribution basée sur Debian
  • environnement Linux
  • la familiarité avec Python et PostgreSQL pourra être un plus

Établissement d'accueil: Inria Paris


  • Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>
  • Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>

Collect (all) Debian-based distros into Software Heritage

(version française ci-dessus)

Context: Software Heritage is an ambitious research project whose goal is to collect, preserve in the very long term, and share the whole publicly accessible Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) in source code form.

Description: The Software Heritace archive currently contains a full, up-to-date mirror of GitHub, as well as an ad hoc selection (and a very big one) of software packages coming from the Debian distribution. The goal of this internship is to fully automate the process of collection and ingestion of Debian source packages (.dsc) into the Software Heritage archive. The main objective is to make it trivial the addition of anyone of the many FOSS distributions that are based on Debian.

Desirable skills to obtain this internship:

  • familiarity with Debian or other Debian-based distributions
  • GNU/Linux environment
  • Python
  • working knowledge of PostgreSQL would be a plus

Workplace: Inria Paris

Environnement: you will work shoulder to shoulder with all members of the Software Heritage team, and you will have a chance to witness from within the construction of the ultimate source code archive.

Internship mentors:

  • Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>
  • Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>