Difference between revisions of "Darcs loader (internship)"

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[[Category:Available internship]]
[[Category:Archived internship]]

Latest revision as of 08:35, 29 January 2020

Context: Software Heritage is an ambitious research project whose goal is to collect, preserve in the very long term, and share the whole publicly accessible Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) in source code form.

Description: The Software Heritage archive currently contains source code coming from popular Version Control System (VCS) repositories publicly available on the Internet, such as Git, Subversion, and Mercurial We want to extend the archive coverage to source code available from historically relevant VCS, and in particular Darcs. The goal of this internship is to develop an automated "loader" that can be used to ingest into the archive source code available from Darcs repositories.

Desirable skills to obtain this internship:

Workplace: Inria Paris

Environment: you will work shoulder to shoulder with all members of the Software Heritage team, and you will have a chance to witness from within the construction of the great library of source code.

Internship mentors:

  • Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@upsilon.cc>